Esimene rahvusvaheline teatrifestival NAKS 2018 noorele vaatajale toimus 31. okt – 2. nov (K-R) 2018 Tallinnas.
Festivali peamiseks sihtgrupiks oli lasteaedade ja koolide haridustöötajad, lapsed ja noored, samuti teatrikriitikud, teatritrupid ning kultuurikorraldajad. Festivali külastas kolme päeva jooksul üle 700 inimese, töötubadest võttis osa ligikaudu 40 inimest, ümarlauast ligikaudu 15 inimest ning aruteludest ligikaudu 40 inimest.
Selle aasta festivali programmis leidus kokku kümme lavastust nii Eestist, Soomest kui ka Taanist. Kokku võttis kolme päeva jooksul festivalist osa üle 70 esineja.
Festivalil astusid üles:
1. Kuressaare Linnateater “Persona”
2. Must Kast “Prohvet”
3. Miksteater “Prometheus”
4. VAT Teater “Kas kalad magavad?”
5. Piip ja Tuut Teater “Piip ja Tuut on Lõvi Lõrr ja Jänes Jass”
6. Lendav Lehm “Lugu kilekotist”
7. NUKU Teater ,,Nutude salajutud”
8. Tsirkusestuudio Folie ”Siis, kui sa magad”
9. Dance Theatre Hurjaruuth (Soome) ”Flora and Fauna”
10. Theatre Batida (Taani) ”Man Called Rolex”
#takeachildtothetheatre #NAKS2018
First international theatre festival NAKS 2018 for young audience took place on 31th October – 2th November (Wednesday to Friday) 2018 in Tallinn.
Festival is mainly targeted at educational workers of kindergartens and schools, children and youngsters, also theatre critics, theatre groups and cultural managers. During the three days, more than 700 people attended the festival, almost 40 visited workshops, about 15 people round table discussion and about 40 people our expert panel discussions.
In this years festival program, there were productions from Estonia, Finland and Denmark. In total, over three days, the festival featured over 70 performers.
Festival hosted performances, such as:
- Kuressaare City Theatre “Persona”
- Must Kast “Prophet”
- Miksteater “Prometheus”
- VAT Theatre “Do fishes sleep?”
- Piip ja Tuut Theatre “Piip and Tuut are Lion Lõrr and Rabbit Jass”
- Flying Cow Theatre “Tale from garbage bags”
- NUKU Theatre ”Weepie’s Whispers”
- Circus Studio Folie ”When you are sleeping”
- Dance Theatre Hurjaruuth (Finland) ”Flora and Fauna“
- Batida (Denmark) ”Man Called Rolex”
#takeachildtothetheatre #NAKS2018