TEATERi ,,The Arrival” / TEATERi ,,Saabumine”

TEATERi ,,Saabumine”

31. oktoober (neljapäev), kell 17 Vaba Lava Blackboxis


Pärast külma reisi saabub mees kaugele kaldale. Ta on üksi maailmas, kus kultuur on uus ja keel arusaamatu. Tal pole muud kui kohver ja pilt perekonnast, kelle ta oli sunnitud maha jätma ning nüüd proovib ta alustada uut elu. 
See hellalt jutustatud lugu põhineb auhinnatud kunstniku Shaun Tani meisterlikul graafilisel romaanil. Maalides värvika pildi lootusetust meeleheitest, kasutades muusikat, liikumist ja sõna otseses mõttes täiesti uut sõnavara, kõneleb The Arrival kõigiga.

Nii nagu lugu, algas ka lavastuse teekond kahelt poolt laia ookeani ja sai alguse kui mõlema mandri unistused kohtusid. Režissöör Thaddeus Phillips sattus USA-s, New Yorgis sõbra majja, kust avastas Shaun Tan’i „The Arrival” loo, samal hetkel võttis TEATERi teatri üks kunstilisi juhte, Christian Arin, sama raamatu kätte Rootsis, Stockholmist põhja pool asuvas korteris. Sõltumatult otsustasid mõlemad osapooled, et tegemist on looga, mis tuleb teatrilavadele tuua.  Juhuslikult ristusid nende teed, kui Christian Arin nägi Thaddeus Phillipsi Red Eye to Havre de Grace off- Broadway ja mõistis, et Phillips on kunstnik, kellega ta soovib koos töötada, et tuua Tani meisterlik lugu lehelt lavale. Nad tegid koostööd Lars Janssoniga ja tema mängulise lavakujunduse kaudu on nad suutnud saavutada visuaalse loomingu, mida nad mõlemad taotlesid. Nüüd soovib TEATERi kutsuda teid, seda maagilist teekonda jätkama. 



Autor – Shaun Tan
Režissöör – Thaddeus Phillips
Lavakujundus ja kostüümid – Lars Jansson
Nukud – Nukukunstide keskus, Atlanta, USA
Muusika – Juan Gabriel Turbay ja Moby
Valgus / heli – Thaddeus Phillips ja Pontus Pettersson
Tehnikud – Toril Hallqvist ja Peter Hammarstedt
Lavastuse fotod – Peter Lloyd
Portree – Anna Hållams
Kujundus – Danilo Giannini
Peaprodutsent – Peter Gotting
Produtsendid – Jesper Arin ja Catarina Jansson
Kunstilised juhid – Christian Arin ja Vera Veljovic

Osades – Christian Arin, Martyna Lisowska, Sam Rigi, Elvira Roos

Vanus – 11+
Kestus – 75 minutit


Piletiinfo – naksfestival@gmail.com

TEATERi ,,The Arrival”
31st October (Thursday), 17:00 o’clock at Vaba Lava Blackbox
After a cold journey a man arrives at a far off shore. He is alone in a world where the culture is new and the language incomprehensible. With no other pos- sessions than a suitcase in his hand and a picture of the family he was forced to leave behind, he tries to start a new.
This tenderly told story is based on the award- winning artist Shaun Tan’s masterful graphic novel. Painting a colorful picture from utter despair through hardship to hope by using the language of music, movement and with literally a completely new vocabulary, The Arrival speaks to everyone.
Just as the story, the journey of the production started on either sides of a wide ocean and sprang to life through a dream that reached from one continent to another. As the director Thaddeus Phillips came across Shaun Tan’s The Arrival at a friend’s house in New York, USA, one of the artistic directors at Teateri, Christian Arin, picked up the same book in an apartment a few miles north of Stockholm, Sweden. Separately of each other they both decided that this was a story worth adapting to the stage. By chance their paths crossed when Christian Arin saw Thaddeus Phillips’ Red Eye to Havre de Grace off- Broadway and realized that Phillips was the artist he wanted to work with to bring Tan’s masterful story off the page and onto the stage. They teamed up with Lars Jansson and through his playful set design they have managed to achieve the visual creation they both aimed for. Now Teateri would like to invite you along to continue this magical journey.
Author – Shaun Tan
Director – Thaddeus Phillips 
Set design and costume – Lars Jansson
Puppets – Center for Puppetry Arts, Atlanta, USA 
Original score  – Juan Gabriel Turbay and with music by Moby
Light/Sound – Thaddeus Phillips and Pontus Pettersson 
Technicians – Toril Hallqvist and Peter Hammarstedt
Production photos –  Peter Lloyd 
Portrait – Anna Hållams
Art design –  Danilo Giannini 
Executive producer – Peter Gotting
Producer –  Jesper Arin & Catarina Jansson
Artistic directors – Christian Arin and Vera Veljovic
Cast – Christian Arin, Martyna Lisowska, Sam Rigi, Elvira Roos
Age – 11+
Duration –   75 minutes
Ticket information – naksfestival@gmail.com